Tara Labs
Great cables from a highly professional company, run by a musician. Please check out Tara Labs products and call us for an audition.
Great cables from a highly professional company, run by a musician. Please check out Tara Labs products and call us for an audition.
SORAsound has been representing and offering Raidho speakers for many years now. We are happy to be offering the gorgeous Raidho TD2.2 in Bentley Green at our showroom. Please call for an appointment and please read more about Raidho’s fabulous speakers, stands and accessories.
AnalogMagik is a product made by our dear friend, Rick Mak. For further information please check out AnalogMagik website and come to us. We will take care of you well.
ZYX UNIverse series is EXCLUSIVE to SORAsound. For further information please contact us.
ZYX UNIverse Optimum.
LOVELY. Nakatsuka san has done it again! Relentless effort, workaholic and great artisan.
Absolare is so good and so beautiful that we have two mono blocks, one integrated amp, and one preamp at our showrooms for your auditioning pleasure.
Please check out Absolare website and let us help you with these beauties. Absolare!