
Kingdom of Tonga

What an amazing experience.

I figured while we are in the area, we should take a trip to one of the islands. Fiji, Samoa, and the Cooks Island were all great options but I figured we would not necessarily make a special trip from Chicago to go to the Kingdom of Tonga. After SORA seeing some of the luxuries of NZ, and Australia, it made sense to go somewhere more “basic,” more “down to earth” if you will – but somewhere blessed with so much nature, beauty, and warm hearted people.

We stayed in one of the “best” resorts there but still close to the town so we’d enjoy the cultural activities and seeing the locals. Our room roughly cost us a couple of hundred dollars a night which is plenty there. But I tell you, in America, you would be paying less than $50 for that room. On the bright side, all night long we heard the sound of wild waves…what a beauty.