
oracle audio

SORAsound digital report — 2009

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SORAsound is known as an analog source. during last few years, we made a conscious decision to bring to you some of the best digital equipment available including cd/SACD players, DACs, transports, and of course ipod transports and more.

our flagship line is EMM Labs. we love EMM SACD players so much that always have them in stock, in the box, ready to ship. 47 lab digitals, flatfish transport and progression DAC are my all time favorite jewels. 47 lab pit racer is a classic. yes, you read it right… a classic!

wadia pushing the envelop all the time and providing you with tank built quality products in all price ranges and yes, an ipod transport as well. you got to start somewhere anyways. last but not least, oracle audio with their sculptural cd players.

prices range from a modest few hundred dollars to about $30,000. most these manufacturers let us only advertise at suggested retail price. every now and then we run some great specials.

looking forward to what 2010 may bring us in the digital realm.