
M.’s Blog

warsaw, poland

a quick trip to warsaw, poland. living in chicago, i have had the pleasure of meeting so many polish people. figured it is time to see their country. beautiful. soon will post some pictures.
dinner at a very good restaurant called u kucharzy. music at zoo club. not good music really but vibrant energy which more than made up for their music.



paris, france

nice drive from sornetan to bern. took the train from bern to paris. the initial hour to hour and a half was very scenic and beautiful. after that it was just beautiful, but not as spectacular as the train ride from geneva to bern, or the drive to davinci audio.

went to croco disc (42 rue des ecoles), my favorite music shop in paris. bought about 30 some records. lots of them music by people i know nothing about. croco disc people understand some of my taste pretty well and in general, i have been happy listening to them and the music they have recommended to me.

met couple of audiophile friends for more record shopping followed by a delicious french dinner. pictures to be posted soon.

sornetan, switzerland

peter and jolanda of davinci audio were kind enough to pick me up at the train station. we first drove to their new atelier in bern. i met nathalie, sander, david, mr davinci the doggie, and dr. jason the kitty. each person (human being) demonstrated to me what they do, and how they help each piece of puzzle come together.i saw all the parts that go into each tone-arm, cartridge, turntable and the beautiful electronics davinci makes. each part is created in an uncompromising manner. if one word describes davinci audio, it would be “impeccable.”

after a great lunch, and a team meeting, peter, jolanda and i drove to sornetan, a small village in the mountainous areas of switzerland. i had not breathed such a clean air for over 30 years. we listened to a lot of music, many genres. Stay tuned for more news.