Tags: amazon audio, miyajima, tri-planar
my miyajima lab cartridge was shipped to me today. i expect to put it on my AMAZON AUDIO’s REFERENZ turntable and tri-planar tonearm.
i have been looking for good room acoustics and such. i hate ugly, tacky, or cheezy stuff which frankly includes most stuff i have seen. if you have any thoughts/suggestions for good products i should buy and/or represent, please do let me know via posting in the comments section or sending me an email to [email protected] please. i value your opinion.
today, i invited an out of country guest to the publican restaurant for brunch. aside from some exotic beer, we had the following meals by great chef/audiophile, paul kahan and his team:
- fresh ricotta with figs and hazelnuts
- waffle with maple butter and berries
- weiswurst with organic hannah’s bretzel and bavarian mustard
- pork shoulder sandwich
- maple syrup smoked bacon
- some kind of pound cake/coffee cake (mehran’s weakness)
Tags: amazon audio, graham engineering, lyra, shelter, wavac
kahori maki has sent me some of her latest works. this week, i will be installing them in the showroom downstairs and post some pictures. we have many fine items in the showroom downstairs including amazon referenz turntable, triplanar tonearm, graham tonearm, zyx atmos, lyra scala, lyra dorian mono, shelter 9000, wavac 805 amplifiers, zyx artisan (to be replaced with tom evans phono stage), 47 labs dac and flatfish transport, wadia cd player, emm sacd, all xlo cables, and everything on finite elemente pagode master reference series stands. soon we will be adding a few more products in this showroom. stay tuned.
Tags: phono stages, tom evans, tom evans phono stage
tom is shipping me his newly baked groove phono stage tomorrow. his latest and greatest. looking forward to it.