
M.’s Blog

New Zealand Travels

A few trips to New Zealand in the last few months. When I can, I try to visit a new city with Nami and SORA. Fulfilling a promise to  myself to take SORA to a new country each year. New Zealand is an amazingly astonishingly many other complimentary adjectives country. I was lucky enough to have lived in Switzerland and gone to school there. Great nature there. But, New Zealand….this too, VOW.

San Francisco and Dallas Visits

SORAsound is visiting associates in San Francisco and Dallas mid May. Please contact us for details and appointments.

Melbourne, Australia

On a whim, I decided to fly to Melbourne and visit my good friend Warwick who is the ZYX distributor in Australia and New Zealand. A short trip, but lots of fun while I enjoyed the hospitality of Warwick and his beautiful wife, Teresa. Also had a great Easter meal at his daughter’s home. THANKS my friends.

In Memory of Peter Wolber


It is with heavy heart that I let you know my good friend and associate Peter Wolber of Sound and Image Co. in Canada has passed away. We miss him very much and forever he will be in our mind as a loving, kind, and honest human being.

Rest in Peace dear Peter. We love you.

Japan Charity Auctions


Tom Evans Audio Design, RCM Audio, ZYX UNIverse and our entire inventory of high quality digital stylus gauges.

SORAsound is glad to put certain items on auction to benefit the victims of Japan earthquake.

Special thanks to my dear friend Tom Evans who has offered a 20th anniversary edition Groove for auction, starting at $1.

If you can not bid, please consider donating any amount to the Red Cross or any other association helping victims of this disaster. Thanks for your support.