Tags: graham engineering, moerch, tonearms, tri-planar
just a reminder that we have graham phantom, tri-planar, and moerch tonearms in stock. part of our great service to you is ensuring that you do not have to wait for the products you order via SORAsound. this includes graham, triplanar, and moerch, each of which requires a while to get.
Tags: amazon audio, graham engineering, lyra, shelter, wavac
kahori maki has sent me some of her latest works. this week, i will be installing them in the showroom downstairs and post some pictures. we have many fine items in the showroom downstairs including amazon referenz turntable, triplanar tonearm, graham tonearm, zyx atmos, lyra scala, lyra dorian mono, shelter 9000, wavac 805 amplifiers, zyx artisan (to be replaced with tom evans phono stage), 47 labs dac and flatfish transport, wadia cd player, emm sacd, all xlo cables, and everything on finite elemente pagode master reference series stands. soon we will be adding a few more products in this showroom. stay tuned.
Tags: graham engineering, tonearms

SORAsound is now representing graham engineering. this is great news for us and for our customers. now, depending on your need and preference, you can have a graham phantom (left), a triplanar or a moerch tonearm… all from your local (well, local to your heart) audio joint, SORAsound.