

moerch dp-6 tonearm — positive feedback review

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here is a review of moerch dp6 tonearm by roger gordon of positive feedback. thanks go to roger for taking the time to do this review.

DaVinciAudio Labs turntable, tonearm, cartridge and electronics

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DaVinciAudio Labs is best known for their tonearms which are works of art. but they make an array of top line equipment including drop dead gorgeous turntables, tube amps, cables, and more. our representation of DaVinciAudio demonstrates solid affirmation for SORAsound’s capability to represent some of the highest end products in the world. we now represent some of the best tonearms in the world including moerch, triplanar, graham engineering, and of course now DaVinciAudio.

their turntable aas gabriel is a beauty. maybe i will get myself an orange one someday with their grandezza tonearm and grandezza cartridge. now, that is an idea.

graham engineering tonearm

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SORAsound is now representing graham engineering. this is great news for us and for our customers. now, depending on your need and preference, you can have a graham phantom (left), a triplanar or a moerch tonearm… all from your local (well, local to your heart) audio joint, SORAsound.

MÖRCH tonearms

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SORAsound has accepted to become the north american (and rest of the americas) distributor for moerch tonearms from denmark. moerch, spelled by some as morch, but really MÖRCH, is designed and manufactured by hans henrik moerch. during a telephone ceremony, mr. moerch said mehran will certainly become the best distributor ever for moerch. as for us, we plan to oblige.

on permanent demo, a moerch up4 chrome, dp-6 gold 12 inch, and of course my own custom made black dp6 precision.